Lalonde & Rodier Block
Historical Name: Lalonde & Rodier Block
Address: 2116, 2118, 2132 and 2140 Columbia Avenue
Date of Construction: 1896/1897
Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: Commercial Vernacular
Collection of the RMDC: Lalonde & Rodier Block, 1997.
The Lalonde & Rodier Block is a two-storey, wood-frame commercial building spanning two city lots, divided into four commercial storefronts, on the northeastern end of Columbia Avenue. The building was constructed in 1896/1897 and is valued as a surviving, first-generation commercial building. The block is named after Charles Octave Lalonde and Mary B. Rodier, who were the joint owners when it was first constructed.
In two of the storefronts, Lalonde operated his boot and shoe location and Rodier’s husband ran his tinsmith business here for several years. In 1917, Rodier sold her portion of the building to James Matthew Jordan, who was the proprietor of Lockhart & Jordan Furniture & Undertakers. The Lalonde & Rodier Block has held many different businesses throughout the years, including professional offices, trades, retail, and residences. It is also associated with some popular, long-lasting businesses in the second half of the twentieth century, including The Sunshine Coffee Shop and Café and Delich’s Jewellery & Gifts. The Delich family owned the building for seven decades until 2007. As of 2020, the building houses a realtor, accountant, a sushi restaurant, and a retail store/information centre all on street level.
Peace & Remembrance Mural next to the Cenotaph & Rossland Public Library
For more information:
Rossland Heritage Commission Official Heritage Register - Buildings: Lalonde & Rodier Block
Historic Places Canada: Lalonde and Rodier Block
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