Student/Temp Job Opportunities
We have a couple of exciting new job opportunities that we are seeking to fill immediately!
Click on the positions for a PDF Job Poster with more information.
The Community Engagement Manager develops, manages, and evaluates our public programming and events covering various themes (in history, science, art, etc.), and managing staff and volunteers associated with these. The manager works with local schools/groups and other community organizations and members to develop responsive and supportive programs for various audiences (Toddlers, Youth, Teens, Adults, Seniors, etc.) and underrepresented demographics.
2020-21 Priorities:
Integrate environmental education into permanent displays, including liaising with local environmental groups and organizations for shared space and expertise
Assist in the redevelopment of Senior programming in response to current limitations
Support a deeper exploration of our local geology, including the creation of a group of experts to support programming, events, and research
Explore the creation of a local flora and fauna research and education collection to support ongoing programs, events, and research
Explore energy efficiency and green infrastructure opportunities in Phase Two Mine Experience renovations
The following positions require candidates to meet Young Canada Works eligibility.
Student Operations Assistant (Part-time or Full-time opportunity)
Student positions are for full-time secondary or post-secondary students with flexible work hours
Graduate Digital Archives Assistant (Full-time position to March 31st, 2021)
Recent Graduate positions are full-time positions for those that have graduated recently