Winter Carnival Activities at the Museum

The museum will be open by donation for our regular hours from 11am to 5pm on Friday & Saturday. Both days, come enjoy our sledding hills (some sleds, crazy carpets, and snow stompers on hand), snow painting, a snowshoe loop, a snow-maze, and kids' snow races each afternoon. Come inside to warm up with crafternoons and some hot drinks and treats. On Saturday, we'll also have our annual snowman-making competition and cabane à sucre and/or RSVP for a special snowshoe and snow science tour with Kootenay Gateway here: All ages are welcome to have fun in our snowy paradise.

Activity Details:
Winter Carnival Crafternoons and Activity Zone: Warm up indoors with some great Winter Carnival themed crafts! Playdough and colouring sheets will also be available for the little ones! Activity by donation. Hot Chocolate and Apple Cider available all day.

Snow Painting and Snow-MAZE-ing Adventure: Create a cool work of art in our plethora of snow! Snow painting supplies available all day during open hours. Then go check out our snow maze on t museum grounds. We have been working hard to confuse those that attempt this wild maze! Once you have conquered the query, come warm up inside with hot chocolate and apple cider.

Kids' Snow Races 2-4:30pm each day: Test your agility in the snow during our annual kids' snow races. Snowshoe races at 2 pm; Potato sack race at 2:45 pm; Parent/child toboggan pull race at 3:30pm; and Smoosh Race at 4:15 pm. Then come warm up inside with hot apple cider and hot chocolate. Prizes to be won! Please bring your own snowshoes and sleds; we have a limited supply of sleds, magic carpets, and snow stompers.

Saturday Snowman-Making Competition 12-3pm: Come make your best snowman or -woman during our Annual Snowman-making Competition! Some supplies & snow fashion available, we supply the snow and noses! Judging will commence at 3 pm by our talented museum official, great prizes to be won!

Saturday Cabane à Sucre (Sugar Shack) 12-3pm: Come get some pure maple taffy from our lovely staff and volunteers - by donation.

Saturday Snowshoe & Science Tour 1pm start: Kootenay Gateway is leading their annual snowshoe and snow science tour on Saturday afternoon around the Museum property. Tour begins at 1pm and is by donation when you arrive, but RSVPs are required:
Come explore the blanketed museum grounds and learn all about snow! Then take advantage of our cabane à sucre, snowman-making competition, sledidng hill, and kids' snow races!
We have a limited supply of adult snowshoes available, so please bring your own if you have them or let us know when RSVPing if you'll need an adult pair (no kids snowshoes available).


Winter Programming On Now!


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