New Book written by Alice Chiko

We're so excited to announce the publication of the captivating Growing Up in Rossland in the 1930s and 1940s, by Alice Chiko, née Gordon. Motivated by pandemic lockdowns and the Mueum's ongoing research projects, Alice began to gather her memories of growing up in Rossland into an engaging memoir. When Alice reached out to the Museum to see if there might be wider interest in her project, we knew that the richness of Alice's memories and her unique style of storytelling made it impossible to pass up - so we joined her project to pull it all together! Through evocative descriptions and vivid anecdotes, Alice recounts her memories of the McLean and Cook Avenue schools, childhood escapades around the town in summer and winter, skiing on wooden skis in the high school competitions, and so much more. Alice's book will soon be available for purchase and is just the thing to enjoy with a cosy cup of tea après ski!

Growing Up in Rossland in the 1930s and 1940s, by Alice Chiko

Growing Up in Rossland in the 1930s and 1940s, by Alice Chiko


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Cover photo by Dale Matthews


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