Help us Illuminate Rossland's Geographical & Geological History
Support our 3D Model Fundraiser!
The Rossland Museum's Renewal Project Phase II: Mine Experience is on the verge of creating an extraordinary showcase of the historical Rossland Mines - a 3D, topographic model of Rossland and its surrounding areas!
With your generous contribution, we’ll be able to bring this fascinating project to life and help kick off the immersive and captivating Mine Tunnel Experience.
What Makes Our Project Special
Project Design Proposal
Rossland was once a bustling and booming (literally!) busy mining town. For over 40 years, miners hauled golden ores from deep underground in Red, Sophie, and Columbia Kootenay Mountains and shipped them by rail to smelters in nearby Trail and the USA. The mining history built our town and is an important national and international story. Now the mines are closed, tunnels are sealed, railroad tracks removed and buildings lost to time or fire. Is this history lost for good?
Imagine experiencing an exhibit where our mining history comes alive! We're developing a cutting-edge 3D model which will utilize advanced projection technology to display the intricate network of mine tunnels that once shaped the landscape of Rossland. Visitors will have the unique opportunity to explore the depths and breadth of the region, from renowned mines like LeRoi and Josie to the complete map of mining tunnels throughout Red Mountain and the Rossland Range.
Unveiling Hidden Gems
Thanks in part to a $10,000 Heritage Awareness grant from the Heritage BC Legacy Fund, a donation of $2,500 from the Rotary Club of Rossland, and $1150 in community donations so far, we are well on our way to making this dream a reality. But we still need your help to close the remaining gap of $3350, with a minimum of $17,000 needed to get this project off the ground.
Your Impact
By contributing to our fundraiser, you'll play a crucial role in preserving Rossland's rich mining heritage for generations to come. Your support will enable us to finalize the construction of the 3D model and install state-of-the-art projectors that will bring the mine tunnels to life. Additionally, your generosity will allow us to continuously update the map with new information as it becomes available through our research, ensuring that this experience remains dynamic and relevant over time.
Be Part of History
As a token of our appreciation, donors like you will have the opportunity to leave a lasting mark on the Mine Tunnel Experience. Your name will be proudly displayed at the museum and on our Donor Wall, recognizing your invaluable contribution to this captivating project.
How You Can Help
Consider making a one-time donation to support our cause.
Share our fundraiser with friends, family, and colleagues who might be interested in preserving history and fostering education through innovative experiences.
Together, Let's Make History Shine
We believe that by uniting our community and beyond, we can make this 3D model project a resounding success. Join us in creating a lasting tribute to the pioneers and miners who shaped Rossland's legacy. Your contribution will not only support the creation of this extraordinary exhibit but will also enrich the cultural heritage of our region.
The Idea
Closeup of Control Panel
This mine tunnel map will be a transparent, 3D, topographic model of Rossland and area (Sophie, Red, Monte Christo, Columbia Kootenay Mtns. and the South Belt - lower Rossland), using projectors to display the network of mine tunnels throughout Rossland and the surrounding mountains. Using a control panel, visitors will be able to select which part of the model they would like to see highlighted - such as one of the Top 5 producing mines like the LeRoi or Josie, or the complete map of the mining tunnels in the area. The use of projectors allows for the option to add new information to the map as it becomes available and to take advantage of the recent incredible innovations in projection technology. This is an exciting project which will serve as a unique and engaging introduction to the new Mine Tunnel Experience!
We’re lucky to have great local fabricators and creators to make this model a reality, making this a community project from start to finish. This will be an eye-catching, memorable display and will no doubt change the way visitors and locals experience our community - let’s just say we’ll all have a deeper connection!
In the 1890s, some prospectors came to the area on the Dewdney Trail, which ran just south of the present City limits. They dug around a bit but didn’t see anything that caught their eye - until they looked up at Red Mountain (kmarqn) and saw the red hue that gave it its name, and hinted at the presence of riches within. Within the decade, 1000s of miners and prospectors were here digging, blasting, and chasing that gold all through these hills! In the rush of gold miners, came one Ross Thompson who thought his time was better spent laying out a townsite and building up a community. And for hundreds of reasons, including Ross Thompson’s townsite, Rossland is still here today.
Example Depth Map
But if you look around you now, the mines are gone - tunnels closed up, headframes and railroads removed - the part of our heritage that made our community’s heartbeat a century ago is all but a memory today - buried under the ground. On your next visit to Red Mountain at the RED Resort Lodge, look to the south. Do you see Red Mountain and Monte Christo Mountain? Did you know that a tunnel connects those two mountains underground and continues on to Columbia Kootenay (KC) Mountain? On your way back to town, you may turn on to Kirkup Avenue - did you know you’re driving over the trestle bridge that brought the CPR railroad over to the Centre Star Mine? Did you know that the Centre Star’s main shaft went down to depths over 2000 feet - that’s below the level of the Columbia River! And, did you know that the Rossland Museum is located on the site of the historic Black Bear Mine? Because of its location in Rossland’s historic mining area, the Museum property is also the national historic site for Mining in the Kootenays. Depending who you ask, Rossland’s gold mines were the 2nd or 4th most profitable gold mines in British Columbia with 2.7 million ounces of gold extracted. It’s hard to comprehend just how extensive and prolific the mining operation was here because the famous Rossland mines are underground and have been closed since the late 1920s.
In the past, we had a glass plate slide model to show the extent of the tunnels. This model was well-loved by locals and visitors, but it is much too delicate to continue to display or transition into an interactive format. We will use this previous model and our extensive map collection as resources to develop a more interactive and resilient model than the previous version. This new model would also be an exciting introduction to the new Mine Experience! The Mine Experience is an ongoing project currently underway, which will be a combination of an above-ground mine tunnel and an atrium addition at the entrance of the museum.
Original Glass Slide Mine Layout
Together, we can ensure that the Rossland Mines' fascinating history continues to shine brightly for all to see.
Thank you for your generosity and support in helping us reach our fundraising goal! Together, we'll create an unforgettable experience that will captivate and educate visitors for years to come.