Exciting Digitization Project Updates!
blog posts Rossland Museum blog posts Rossland Museum

Exciting Digitization Project Updates!

Over the past two years, we have been working on three huge digitization projects that saw a large chunk of our multi-media collection digitized and we’ve been working behind-the-scenes to get that content available to you as soon as possible. A side effect of these projects is that we have also finished one of our Strategic Plan goals!

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Defying Domesticity - New Exhibit at Curiosity!
blog posts, Exhibits Rossland Museum blog posts, Exhibits Rossland Museum

Defying Domesticity - New Exhibit at Curiosity!

In honor of Golden City Days, our summer Collections Assistant, Madysson Weatherford, curated a new exhibit that explores women in early Rossland from 1890s-1940s. Featuring artifacts, photographs, and ads from the RMDC collection, Defying Domesticity: Women in Early Rossland, provides a lens into four prominent areas of society where women played an important role in building the foundation of the town!

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Worlds Apart: Rossland’s Unlikely Partnership with Nyanga, Zimbabwe: New Outreach Exhibit at the Prestige!
blog posts, Collections, Exhibits Rossland Museum blog posts, Collections, Exhibits Rossland Museum

Worlds Apart: Rossland’s Unlikely Partnership with Nyanga, Zimbabwe: New Outreach Exhibit at the Prestige!

Our outreach program is back with a new exciting exhibit at the Prestige Mountain Resort! Focusing on one of the most unique partnerships in Rossland’s history, Worlds Apart: Rossland’s Unlikely Partnership with Nyanga, Zimbabwe explores how two rural municipalities on opposite sides of the world worked together to help improve the Nyanga District.

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June Speaker Event: BATS! with Elodie Kuhnert
blog posts, Events Rossland Museum blog posts, Events Rossland Museum

June Speaker Event: BATS! with Elodie Kuhnert

Join us at the Rossland Museum & Discovery Centre at 5:30 pm on Thursday, June 6th for an exciting Speaker Series with Elodie Kuhnert. Elodie, the Kootenay Coordinator with the "Got Bats?" BC Community Bat Program, will help us discover the fascinating world of bats in an engaging presentation that explores their importance in our ecosystem. Learn all about bat biology, behaviour, and reproduction, and understand the critical role that bats play in our environment. We'll discuss why bats are facing threats and how we can help protect them during a fascinating evening in the mysterious world of bats!

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RMDC Gallery Series
Exhibits, blog posts Rossland Museum Exhibits, blog posts Rossland Museum

RMDC Gallery Series

Introducing the RMDC Gallery Series! Art is fundamental to how our community interacts with the world, and we are excited to highlight local talent in a brand-new RMDC Gallery Series. Join us as we showcase local artists through four, two-week gallery showings in the Rossland Museum Entrance Gallery.

There is still room in the series: to submit your portfolio or for more information, contact Skylar at community@rosslandmuseum.ca

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Easter Egg Hunt at the Museum
Events, blog posts Rossland Museum Events, blog posts Rossland Museum

Easter Egg Hunt at the Museum

Snow is on the ground but spring is in the air, and that means it’s almost time for our annual Easter Egg Hunt! Come up to the Museum on Saturday, March 30th to join in the hunt, try your hand at a classic egg-and-spoon race, bunny-hop your way through a sack race, and more!

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Royal BC Museum Community Conversation
Events, Renewal, blog posts Rossland Museum Events, Renewal, blog posts Rossland Museum

Royal BC Museum Community Conversation

The Royal BC Museum and the Rossland Museum & Discovery Centre officially invite the community to join us for a Community Conversation on Wednesday, March 6th at 5:30 pm up at the Museum. Community conversations are an opportunity to gather with your community for a focused conversation on how a reimagined Royal BC Museum could better serve and represent people living throughout BC. This is also an opportunity for a sneak peek at Rossland Museum & Discovery Centre's own Renewal plans.

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March Speaker Series with Kim Deane and Lou Corrado
Events, blog posts Rossland Museum Events, blog posts Rossland Museum

March Speaker Series with Kim Deane and Lou Corrado

Kim Deane and Lou Corrado were born and raised in Rossland, and since the 1940s, they've seen the city change and evolve to an extraordinary degree. These two long-time Rosslanders will take us on a fascinating and nostalgic journey through Rossland’s history, touching on the post-war period, the evolution of Cominco, the expansion of the skiing industry, evolving subcultures, and more! If you’re interested in Rossland’s history or you’re a long-time local looking to indulge in a little nostalgia (and maybe learn something new about your backyard!) then this is the event for you. Our March Speaker Series event is Thursday, March 28th at 6 pm - Entry is by donation and treats/refreshments will be provided.

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FROZEN FRONTIER / FRONTIÈRE GLACÉE - New Winter Carnival Exhibit at Curiosity Clothing!
blog posts, Exhibits Rossland Museum blog posts, Exhibits Rossland Museum

FROZEN FRONTIER / FRONTIÈRE GLACÉE - New Winter Carnival Exhibit at Curiosity Clothing!

Today, snowshoeing is a popular pastime in Rossland, but did you know that it used to be one of the main ways to get around during the winter in early Rossland? Our new Winter Carnival Exhibit, Frozen Frontier/Frontière Glacée explores the French-Canadian influence on snowshoeing in early Rossland and the lasting impact of that can still be seen today.

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Rockin' Around the Rossland Museum: Holiday Plans & Santa's Workshop
blog posts, Collections, Events, Programming Rossland Museum blog posts, Collections, Events, Programming Rossland Museum

Rockin' Around the Rossland Museum: Holiday Plans & Santa's Workshop

Drop by the Museum between 12 and 4 pm on Saturday, December 23rd to help out Santa's elves for the day! We'll be making toys, crafting Christmas decorations, and enjoying some festive games, yummy treats, and holiday films.
We are open through the holidays! Regular hours: Tuesdays to Sundays, 10 am to 6 pm. We will be closed December 24-26 and December 31-January 1st.

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