Film Screening: Unarchived
Events, Public Notice Rossland Museum Events, Public Notice Rossland Museum

Film Screening: Unarchived

Join us at 3 pm on Tuesday, June 27th for a free community screening of the National Film Board’s new film Unarchived, a feature-length documentary about the people and places often left out of traditional archives and museums, and the communities who are challenging this erasure.

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May 19th Pro D Day Camp!
Programming Rossland Museum Programming Rossland Museum

May 19th Pro D Day Camp!

Inspiration can be found in abundance in Rossland's wild environment! This Pro-D Day's theme is about bringing our art to nature for inspiration and collecting nature to create and inspire our art. Come spend the day on Friday, May 19th with fellow outdoors kids and artists alike as we find the nature of inspiration at the Rossland Museum.

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CBT Community Engagement
Public Notice Rossland Museum Public Notice Rossland Museum

CBT Community Engagement

Please consider letting Columbia Basin Trust know what you’d like them to support with your CBT funds in the coming years, including expressing your support of Basin museums, heritage sites, and archives.

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PRESS RELEASE - BC Destination Development Fund
Rossland Museum Rossland Museum

PRESS RELEASE - BC Destination Development Fund

The Rossland Museum & Discovery Centre is thrilled to announce that it has been awarded a $1 million Destination Development Grant from the BC Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport. This grant is aimed at supporting tourism development in the province and will allow the museum to enhance its facilities and programming, attract more visitors, and further contribute to the local economy.

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PRESS RELEASE - Digitizing Rossland’s Documentary Heritage

PRESS RELEASE - Digitizing Rossland’s Documentary Heritage

With a major grant of $45,250 from the Department of Canadian Heritage’s Digital Access to History grant program and a supporting grant of $2104.60 from the Columbia Basin Trust’s Resident Directed Grants, the RMDC will be able to digitize a large portion of its vast collection of film and audio materials, ensuring that future generations have access to these valuable cultural artifacts.

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Seniors’ Workshop Series
Events, Programming Rossland Museum Events, Programming Rossland Museum

Seniors’ Workshop Series

Our Seniors' Workshop Series is back! This year, we will be exploring some of the topics that you have asked for! Our first session of three workshops includes care of heirloom textiles, care of photographs and digitization techniques, and book repair basics,

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April Speaker Series with Libby Martin & Sarah Taekema-Slot
Events, Public Notice Rossland Museum Events, Public Notice Rossland Museum

April Speaker Series with Libby Martin & Sarah Taekema-Slot

Join us for our April 27th Speaker Series event at the Museum with Libby Martin and Sarah Taekema-Slot! They’ll take us on a meander through history - from Trail to Rossland - on the Columbia & Western railgrade! Using recently digitized photos and slides from Jack McDonald and George Coop in the RMDC collection, Libby and Sarah will share the history of the C&W in our area and what it meant to the community in the 1900s through to today.

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Rossland Genealogy
Public Notice, Archives Rossland Museum Public Notice, Archives Rossland Museum

Rossland Genealogy

RMDC volunteer Linda Gomez is finishing up and extensive training course in the art and science of genealogy research, and she'd like to help those of you who are interested in studying your family history or genealogy by providing tips, answering questions, and offering consultations.

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Easter Egg Hunt at the Museum
Rossland Museum Rossland Museum

Easter Egg Hunt at the Museum

Snow is on the ground but spring is in the air, and that means it’s almost time for our annual Easter Egg Hunt! Come up to the Museum on Saturday, April 8th to join in the hunt, try your hand at a classic egg-and-spoon race, bunny-hop your way through a sack race, and more!

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